Here is contact information of leading legal advisors and lawyers, members of the Rule of Law Institute, who are able to render qualified legal aid in the most difficult cases.
Syzganov Vasiliy Vasilievich – Vice-President of the Institute, a lawyer, chief of Valdimir’s department of “Moscow Legal Centre” bar.
He has worked as a lawyer since 2000. Before that time he worked in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the Russian Federation for about 12 years. His specialization is criminal and administrative cases. Among the most important successful cases we can name the “soldier’s mother” case of Mrs. L.A. Yarilina in Vladimir, the case of mass militia attacks on civilians and creation of filtration camps in Blagoveschensk in the Republic of Bashkortostan, the case of a conscript Y.V. Rudoyasov who committed suicide by jumping out of the window of an assembly point of the local military enlistment office in Vladimir region, and other cases.
Possesses great experience advocating the rights of military personnel almost in all regions of the country.
Address: 600000, Nikitskaya St., house 4, “Mosyurtsentr” (Moscow Legal Centre) Bar
Tel.: +7 4922 32 24 56; cel.: +7 910 774 94 42; e-mail: ofislex@mail.ru(this email is protected from spamming. You should switch on java-script to see it).
Bashkortostan, Ufa
Kochkina Julia Gennadievna – a lawyer
Tel.: +7 3472 67 82 30 (work); +7 3472 65 62 34; cel.: +7 919 15 222 14
Republic of Belarus, Baranovichy city
Chernikov Aleksey Alekseevich – a lawyer in a legal aid agency of Baranovichy city and region of Brest regional bar.
6 years of work experience. Specialization: criminal and economic cases. He represents the interests of clients at state bodies and public organizations.
Address: 225320, Republic of Belarus, Brest region, Baranovichy, Sovetskaya St., house 59 “A”.
Tel.: +7 10375 291540698, +7 10375 163453403
E-mail: Chernikau@tut.by
Belgorod region, Staryi Oskol city
Shnaidmiller Evgenyi Vladimirovich – a lawyer
Tel.: +7 904 538 27 41, +7 951 146 32 39
E-mail: cRoUcH2007@yandex.ru
Vladimir region
Zhukov Denis Germanovich – a lawyer, a deputy chief of Valdimir’s department of “Moscow Legal Centre” bar. Legal practice since 2000.
Until 2000, he worked as a legal advisor, an aid to a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. He took part in election campaigns to the representative authority’s bodies. Specialization: criminal, administrative and civil law.
Address: 600000, Nikitskaya St., house 4, “Mosyurtsentr” (Moscow Legal Centre) Bar
Tel.: +7 4922 32 24 56; cel.: +7 915 77 404 77
E-mail: ofislex@mail.ru(this email is protected from spamming. You should switch on java-script to see it).
Kurdyukov Vadim Vladimirovich has worked as a lawyer since 1st January 2001. Specialization: criminal, administrative and civil law.
A member of Valdimir’s department of “Moscow Legal Centre” bar.
Since 1st July 2005 he has been a member of the Institute. He is in top 10 of leading members of the department.
Tel.: +7 4922 32 24 56; cel.: +7 905 614 53 00
E-mail: ofislex@mail.ru; vadikur@rambler.ru
Republic of Dagestan
Elmurzaev Baiali Aladievich – a member of “Nizam” Bar
Address: Republic of Dagestan, Khasavyurt, Pervomaiskaya St., house 3
Cel.: +7 928 97 714 61; +7 928 089 81 40
Sokolov Aleksey Veneaminovich – President of Public organization of Sverdlovsk region “Legal Platform”
Address: 620144, Yekaterinburg, Bolshakov St., house 99, flat 73
Tel.: +7 343 219 52 24; e-mail: pravo.osnova@mail.ru
Ivanovo region
Maslova Natalia Yurievna – a lawyer, chief of legal aid agency “Maslova Natalia Yurievna”. Has worked as a lawyer since 1997. Possesses great work experience in criminal cases.
Address: 153003, Ivanovo city, Paris Commune St., house 5 “v”, flat 51
Tel.: +7 4932 22 54 58
Irkutsk region, Bratsk city
Afonin Igor Nikolaevich
Birth date: 30 September 1974
Place of birth: Lvov city, Ukrainian SSR
1996 – Stavropol Higher Aviation and Engineering College named after Air Marshal Sudets
2002 – Irkutsk State University, Law department, lawyer
Heads a legal aid agency. From 2001 to 2002 he worked as an investigator in Prosecutor’s office in Bratsk. From 2002 to 2006 he worked as a legal advisor for “Pulp and Pasteboard Mill” OJSC (Bratsk city), that was an affiliate of a holding company “IlimPulp Enterprise” CJSC (St.-Petersburg). He has been a barrister since 2006.
Possesses great work experience both with state and municipal authorities, law-enforcement agencies, judicial and administrative bodies. Particular experience: corporate law at enterprises, work in the Arbitrary courts and state agencies in Moscow, Nignyi Novgorod, Irkutsk, Sayansk, participation in famous criminal cases (first-degree murders, etc.)
Address of the office: 665717, Russia, Irkutsk region, Bratsk, Komsomolskaya St., house 34, flat 21;
Tel./Fax: +7 3953 41 53 30; email: Afonin-IN@ya.ru
Kostroma region

Kirillov Gleb Vyacheslavovich, date of birth – 1962, a lawyer, an ex-assistant to Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the Russian Federation, in February 2003 the Vienna Congress appointed him a short-term human rights ombudsman in Russia, currently – a head of Kostroma regional department of OPOR Office (OPOR – association of trade union organisations) that monitors a state of businessmen’s rights in Russia, a Chairman of the Trade Union of Small-Scale Businessmen in Kostroma, a head of Kostroma regional department of the All-Russia Public Movement “For Human Rights”, a Board Member of Kostroma department of “Memorial”.
Address: 156002, Russia, Kostroma, Tekstilshcikov Av., house 94 ‘A’, flat 67;
Tel.: +7 903 899 60 25
Kalinin Vasilyi Evgenievich

Higher education:
Moscow Institute of Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation, a lawyer;
Leningrad Trade Institute, an economist.
Since 1995 he has been a defence lawyer in criminal proceedings. Among them are the following cases:
- criminal cases against officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RF that were covered in mass-media such as “Kostromskaya Narodnaya Gazeta” (Kostroma People’s Newspaper), the article called “Pitchfork against gun”, and on the Internet (on how to protect one’s own);
criminal case against I. Pereverzeva, Mayor of Kostroma who was accused of systemic failure to observe the decisions of the court to keep the apartment of the Zaitsevy in their disposal (they were evicted from their apartment) and to grant the Polevy an apartment instead of the old emergency one (since 1984). Mass media wrote about the cases several times (“Severnaya Pravda” (the Northern Truth) newspaper, “Kostromskaya Narodnaya Gazeta” (“Kostroma People’s Newspaper”)). The criminal case was closed as the families were given apartments.
Criminal case of A.Subbotin (2006) who was accused of robbery. He was justified in view of absence of crime in the act after filing a series of complaints to the prosecutor’s office. A.Subbotin became a disabled person (his hands are harmed gravely) after tortures in Buiskyi temporary detention facility. He received a forth-degree burn of hands after being hung on the central heating pipes for getting confession in the crime. The “Moscovskyi Komsomolets” Newspaper wrote an article called “No tortures in Bui” (3-10 May 2006).
Several closed cases.
Address: 156000, Kostroma, Simanovsky St., house 10, flat 4;
Tel.: +7 4942 31 24 88; cel.: +7 960 739 80 52
E-mail: vasilii888@mail.ru
Krasnodarsky Krai

Skorik Arkadyi Mikhailovich – a lawyer, a member of a Bar of Krasnodarsky Krai, started his legal practice in 1996, possesses great work experience in Housing Legislation.
Leading expert of Moscow Public Committee on development of self-government and defence of common property of citizens.
Cel.: +7 919 102 19 66; tel.: +7 495 152 95 32
E-mail: askorik@mail.ru , papont093@ya.ru

Koinova Olga Anatolievna – a legal advisor.
Main activities: legal aid to individuals and corporate bodies namely legal support in making bargains; legal service to corporate bodies (administrative, criminal, labour law, insurance); legal consultations; drawing up legal documents; representation in courts, arbitrary courts concerning civil, administrative, labour, criminal cases.
Tel.: 54 79 46; cel.: +7 904 995 26 49

Tikhomirova Ludmila Anatolievna – a lawyer, higher legal education (Rostov State University, specialization in law), a member of Rostov Bar “Argument”, a representative of the Rule of Law Institute in Rostov region. 11 years of work experience.
20 September 1997 received a Retraining Diploma (specialization – Fiscal work and Audit)
01 April 2000 – 24 November 2000 – refresher course for lawyers, Rostov State University.
On regular contract basis rendered legal aid to large commercial and non-commercial organizations such as District Goods shed of Defence Ministry of Russia in North Caucasus military district, “Dinamo”, “Metallcom”, Ltd., “Grifon”, Ltd., “Donpromprodsnab”, CJSC, “Southern Construction Company”, CJSC and others.
Among the publicly known cases are: criminal case of K.S.Idrisov, First Vice-Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic; criminal case of Colonel Budanov; criminal case of E.A.Ulman; criminal case of Khudyakov and Arakcheev; civil case of defence of the rights of swindled investors (Rostov-on-Don).
Address: 344019, Rostov-on-Don, 20th Line St., house 4, office 12;
Tel./Fax: +7 863 251 66 56; e-mail: Ltihomirova@bk.ru
Zavadskyi Viktor Kazimirovich – a lawyer, member of International Bar “St.-Petersburg”
Specialization: economic, commercial, corporate law; economic crimes (including “raiding”), pleading arbitration cases in all main company’s activities (supply, transport, services, commission, credits, contracts, relations of proprietors, etc.)
Address: 191015, St.-Petersburg, Tavricheskaya St., house 15, flat 30;
Tel.: 275 60 87; cel.: +7 911 964 57 54
Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan
Goryaev Vladislav Valerievich – a member of Legal advice centre “Karabin”
Cel.: +7 950 320 90 61; e-mail: com161@rambler.ru
Arkhipov Nikolay Aleksandrovich, Kazan, 420111, POB #25, cel.: +7 903 306 10 71
e-mail: APXU@bk.ru
Chechen Republic

Abubakarov Zhabrail Magomedovich – a member of “Nizam” Bar, works in Chechnya
Address: Chechen Republic, Grozny, Pervomaiskaya St., 85/144
Tel.: +7 8712 22 26 63 (office); +7 8712 33 25 10 (home); cel.: +7 928 735 07 86
E-mail: advocate_zhabrail@mail.ru
Abubakarov Magamed Saltanmuratovich – a member of “Nizam” Bar
Deals with criminal cases with grave and especially grave charges, prepares and files complaints to European Court of Human Rights (exhaustion of local remedies of legal protection).
Cel.: +7 962 655 87 07; e-mail: advocate.1@mail.ru
Chalykh Alexander Ivanovich – a lawyer. Legal advisory experience – 29 years, 8 of them as a lawyer. Specializes on criminal cases. High percentage of successful cases. Took part in a series of famous legal proceedings in Vladimir, Moscow, Yaroslavl regions and other neighbouring regions as well.
Cel.: +7 905 614 83 78; +7 910 777 71 85;
e-mail: ofislex@mail.ru